Saturday, April 26, 2008

That Kid Of Mine...

So Lily and I went to New Hampshire today to get away and do a little shopping. We had a great day. On the way home we decided to stop and get a drink and change for the tolls...oh and finally attempt to change the light on my car that is not working...I figured I had better before it got dark. So I changed it but it still didn't work properly but we got on the road anyway. As we approahed the tolls Lily realized my wallet was go...which meant no money for the tolls. Except Lily had some:) The toll guy told me he couldn't tell me to turn around at the toll but I could take exit 19(Wells) which is quite a drive when you have no idea if your gonna find your wallet or not!! So we backtracked to the store and no wallet. After looking insidethe store, car and outside a little bit we left for home, with no wallett:( Drove all the way home upset and worried that I was gonna get pulled over because of the light being out and then I would't even be able to show him ID because's in my wallett. Needless to say we didn't get pulled over. When we got home I asked Lily to look a 3rd time and see if she put it in the car...she found it. Under the seat where we both had already looked!!!Boy oh Boy that kid of mine!!